November 05, 2006

Crossword @ T Nagar

Two new book shops have come up in chennai in last month. Oxford @ Haddows road and Crossword @ Panagal park. Had been wanting to check them out ever since they opened. Chanced upon an ad for Crossword today in Hindu announcing RKN's MyDays book reading event. That gave a perfect excuse to visit Crossword first.

Like they have advertised, there were lots of cozy chairs where one can leisurely sit and browse through books. Also, there is a full blown cafe named Brio. Wow !! Books and Coffee...such a heady combo! Reminded me of Border's bookstore chain in California with its Seattle cafe inside. Didn't think such a shop would open so soon in Chennai.

Though this seems to be a nice place to spend time alone or with company , the collection of books is very meager when compared to the likes of Landmark and Higginbothams. Another quaint thing about this Shop is that they let you return the books you had purchased within 15 days. I wonder how they do that!!

PS: The Hindu has covered the book reading event here. Hmm..they missed out the free cappuccino distributed. Such a nice gesture from Crossword.